Welcome to The Midway at ONA18. This is where tech meets journalism in a hands-on space where you can collaborate, play with emerging technologies, get trained on practical tools to help redefine your work, and more. Come to the Midway in Lonestar D on Level 3 for great interactive booths, and take part in programming featuring our Midway participants across the hall in 301/302.
The Midway exhibit space
Conference attendees will find each of these 30+ Midway groups showcasing their products and services. Stop by a booth to see demos, try tools, have conversations and maybe pick up some giveaways.

The Midway programming
During Sept. 13-14, the Midway will be hosting eight sessions about topics that are important to the ONA community, with Midway participants leading discussions in the areas of their expertise. These sessions are moderated opportunities to hear from and interact with experts in their fields (we’d like to stress they we’ve specifically designed them to be educational — they are explicitly not advertorials!). Check out the schedule below!