Consistently ranked among the best experiences of our conference, this series of participatory, inspiring conversations will address challenging topics in your area of expertise. Participants are able to choose their own conversations and collaborate with the brightest minds in their fields to explore new ideas on common issues. Head to the room that has the topics that interest you most, sit anywhere and our trained facilitators will you give you (very brief!) instructions on how Table Talks will work. Please note: there are many more topics to come, so stay tuned! You'll have the option to join two of the following conversations throughout the morning:
- Creating a community reporting alliance - Amara Aguilar
- How to break a story apart so it works on multiple platforms - Byard Duncan
- Find your voice in a sea of content - Erica Proffer
- Alt J-School - Erik Palmer
- The entrepreneurial undergrad: tools and strategies - Jeremy Caplan
- Disrupting college journalism curriculum - Jody Brannon
- Community-first podcasting - Jonathan Groves
- How diverse voices can restore trust in the media. - Kevin Nguyen
- Video verification during breaking news - Layla Mashkoor
- Intro to full-stack coding for journalism students and professors - Lisa Williams
- Building better digital election coverage - Magnus Bjerg
- How to be a good writer and powerful storyteller in the digital age - Mallary Tenore
- How journalist can get the most benefit from the Wayback Machine - Mark Graham
- Striking balance: How journalism can foster meaningful dialogue about polarizing issues - Noelle Swan
- Combatting news fatigue with rigorous solutions journalism - Sara Catania
- Reinventing the basics - Staci Baird
- Traumatic event coverage - Stephanie Anderson
- Instead of talking about covering hate from the perspective of the perpetrators, let's talk about covering hate from the perspective of those most impacted by hate. - Tracie Powell
Amara Aguilar

Byard Duncan
Engagement Reporter, Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting
@byardduncan • Visit Website

Erica Proffer
Investigative Journalist, KVUE
@ericaproffer • Visit Website
Erik Palmer
Jeremy Caplan

Jody Brannon
Community Mngr/Chief News Evangelist, Bing News
@brannonj • Visit Website
Jonathan Groves

Kevin Nguyen
Producer, ABC Australia
@cog_ink • Visit Website

Layla Mashkoor
News Journalist, Storyful
@laylamashkoor • Visit Website
Lisa Williams

Magnus Bjerg
Knight Science Journalism Fellow, Knight Science Journalism @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology
@magnusbjerg • Visit Website

Mallary Tenore
Assistant Director, Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas at Austin
@mallarytenore • Visit Website

Mark Graham
Director, the Wayback Machine, The Internet Archive
@internetarchive • Visit Website

Noelle Swan
Science Editor, The Christian Science Monitor
@swannoelle • Visit Website

Sara Catania
Director, Journalism School Partnerships, Solutions Journalism Network, Digital Journalism Faculty, USC Annenberg
Catanify • Visit Website

Staci Baird
Assistant Professor, University of La Verne
profbaird • Visit Website
Stephanie Anderson

Tracie Powell
Senior Fellow, Democracy Fund
@TMPowell • Visit Website

Lexi Belculfine
Founding Editor, The Incline / Spirited Media
@lexibelc • Visit Website