Whether you come from a big, well-resourced newsroom or are operating on a shoestring budget, it should be a priority for the business and editorial sides of your outlet to find ways to collaborate. Both sides have the same goal: ensuring a great product that’s meaningful to the audience. Findings are showing that newsrooms that silo the two sides have a significantly harder time creating earned revenue than those cooperating. Join us for a discussion that dives into models and best practices of collaboration that also addresses how to avoid the challenges that may come about.
This session is designed for:
- Journalists skeptical of how to work with with the business side of their newsroom without compromising their ethics
- Publishers wanting guidance and ideas for collaboration and also have concerns about pushback and/or resources needed to be successful
- Business folks looking to more effectively collaborate and drive results

Janine Warner
ICFJ Knight Fellow and Executive Director, SembraMedia
@janinewarner • Visit Website

Amanda Barrett
Nerve Center Director, The Associated Press

Austin Smith
CEO, Alley Interactive
@netaustin • Visit Website

Anna Nirmala
Director of Business Development, Hearken
@annala1019 • Visit Website

Celeste LeCompte
VP, Business Development, ProPublica
celrae • Visit Website