We have to be the fluent, flawless experts.

Loves breaking news online, loves teaching journalists how it’s better.

Our customers will expect us:
• to really be fluent online, with sophisticated storytelling, presentation, language and use of “hyperlinks.”
• to know what they know, and not sound like we are just discovering something they already know well. (.e. what the heck is this crazy blockchain thing?)
• to be where they are, not offer spotty or slapdash reports on some platforms because of staffing or technical issues. (“Yeah that doesn’t work on the apps.”)
• to tell them what’s really true.
• to tell, to illustrate, to visualize our stories in ways we can now only imagine. And yes, we’ll probably have to make it work on the subcutaneous data transmitter. And it will need to be even more amazing.
Actually these expectations are already becoming set.