Looking to "steal" someone else’s digital journalism tool? After a packed room at ONA17, the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) is bringing “Steal My Tool” back to ONA18. We’ll have 5-minute lightning talks from leaders in news innovation showcasing the latest digital journalism tools and projects. Our hope is that you will see something that you can adopt back in your newsroom, inspires you to do something similar and sparks possible collaboration with the people behind the tools.

Nasr ul Hadi
Knight Fellow — India, Int'l Center for Journalists, PROTO
@nasrhadi • Visit Website

Pedro Burgos
Knight Fellow, ICFJ
@burgos • Visit Website

Rachel Glickhouse
Partner Manager, Documenting Hate, ProPublica
@riogringa • Visit Website

An Xiao Mina
Director of Product, Meedan

Heather Bryant
Director, Project Facet
@HBCompass • Visit Website

Emily Boardman Ndulue
Researcher and Community Manager, Media Cloud

Daniela Gerson
Assistant Professor, California State University, Northridge

Oren Levine
Director of Innovation, ICFJ