Jody Brannon is community manager for the Tow-Knight Center's Disruptive Journalism Educators Network and served as education chair for the Online News Association during her 10 years on the board of directors. Her 1999 Maryland dissertation, "Maximizing the Medium" compared the nascent online operations of USA TODAY, ABC and NPR. She taught the MA capstone for American University's weekend interactive journalism program for nine years and directed Carnegie-Knight News21, based at Arizona State for three years. Her digital career, which began in 1995, spans senior leadership and consulting roles with Washington Post, USA TODAY, MSN, Atlantic Media, National Geographic and Bing News. She lives on Puget Sound and loves sharing sunset pictures on social media.
Website: http://jodybrannon.com
- Friday, Sep 14 - Table Talks: Reporting Tools and Techniques
- Thursday, Sep 13 - Educators’ Meetup
- See the full schedule →