Alba is a digital storyteller with a strong passion for creative innovation. Currently, she's the Executive Producer at AJ+ Español. Previously, she headed the digital video operation for El País America - the world's leading Spanish newspaper- and worked for The Associated Press as an interactive producer. Born and bred in Spain, she is quite a digital nomad and has lived in the U.S., Mexico, Argentina and Germany. Alba has directed, produced and filmed documentaries in India, Colombia, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Cameroon. She received the prestigious La Caixa scholarship to study at the University of California at Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism and attended Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain.
She hopes to grow her own organic vegetables someday. But she is busy trekking to volcanos in Mexico and learning hula-hooping now.
Website: http://albamoraroca.net
- Friday, Sep 14 - Verificado 2018: Global Lessons Learned from Debunking Fake News in Mexican Elections
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