What the Amazing Race can teach you about project management

Managing a large project when you have a small team can feel like participating in the Amazing Race. We will discuss how to overcome the inevitable roadblocks, detours and other obstacles that come with managing projects such as setting realistic expectations, carving out time, getting organizational buy-in and communicating your vision with teammates that will help get you across the finish line. This light-hearted session will feature lessons from dynamic duos of the show’s 30-season run and how they are applicable to journalism. It is geared toward participants with little to no experience in a project management role or editors from small to medium-sized newsrooms looking to add more structure to large-scale or long-term projects. By the end of this session, participants will walk away with strategies to tackle more ambitious projects in their newsroom.

Suggested Speaker(s)

  • Andrew Nguyen (@onlyandrewn)
    Newsroom Developer, St. Louis Post-Dispatch