Editorially-Driving the Live and Virtual Work You Do

Matthew Cibellis is director of live and virtual events for Education Week, the news and information source for K-12 education.

Journalists are asked more and more frequently to develop content for webinars, live chats, moderated panel discussions for live events.

But how can you turn the tables and drive the bus?

Most of the time an advertiser has talked with your business floor, and now you need to deliver. No consultation. No inquity.

How can you more easily present editorially-driven events, so the wall between church and state remains fixed, yet enterprisewide, your work benefits the whole?

In this session, let’s explore solutions, share ideas and war stories, and think of ways to return to our newsrooms with a plan to bring the business floor editorially-driven events you want them to sell for you, not the other way around.